Fetch purchase invoices approval queue, approve or reject invoices, fetch Finvoice data or set accounting propositions and dimensions
Content:- GET /purchases_api/<id>: Get all the information about single purchase invoice
- GET /purchases_api/get/approval_queue: Get the list of purchase invoices waiting for (API user’s) approval
- GET-/purchases_api/get/finvoice: Fetch the original Finvoice data (if available)
- GET-/purchases_api/get/attachment: Fetch an attachment of the purchase invoice
- POST /purchases_api/do/approve: Approve a purchase invoice approval
- POST /purchases_api/do/reject: Reject a purchase invoice approval
- POST /purchases_api/do/set_tags: Set tags for a purchase invoice
- GET /purchases_api/get/tags: Get purchace invoice tags
- GET /purchases_api/get/unbooked: Get unbooked or prebooked purchace invoices
- POST /purchases_api/add: Post purchase invoices
- POST /purchases_api/do/upload_attachment: Post attachment to purchase invoice
- GET /purchaces_api/get/suppliers: Get suppliers
- POST /purchases_api/do/add_payment: Post manual payment to purchace invoice
GET /purchases_api/<id>
Get all the information about single purchase invoice.
Request parameters are given as part of the URL as follows:
Name | Description | Data type | Req’d | Example |
id | Unique identifier of the purchase invoice | int | YES | 100 |
Response data: PurchaseInvoice
Name | Description | Data type | Possible values / Examples |
id | Unique identifier of the invoice | int | 100 |
supplier_name | Supplier name | string | |
supplier_business_id | Supplier business id (y-tunnus) | string | 2593931-3 |
supplier_vat_number | Supplier VAT number | string | FI25939313 |
invoice_date | Invoice date | string (date) | 2023-09-01 |
due_date | Due date | string (date) | 2023-09-15 |
entry_date | Entry date | string (date) | |
total_gross | Invoice total sum (incl. VAT) | number | |
total_due | Due sum | number | |
total_gross_hc | Invoice total sum in EUR (incl. VAT) | number | |
total_net | |||
total_net_hc | |||
currency_rate | Currency conversion rate used | number | |
our_reference | Selle’rs reference | string | |
your_reference | Buyer’s reference | string | |
invoice_number | Invoice number | string | |
order_number | Order number | string | |
purchase_order_id | Purchase order identifier | int | |
bank_account | Bank account | string | |
bank_bic | Bank BIC/SWIFT code | string | NDEAFIHH |
bank_message | Bank message | String | |
bank_reference | Banking reference | string | |
terms_of_payment | Terms of payment | string | |
is_receipt | 0 = Purchase invoice, 1 = Purchase receipt | int | 0 |
is_first_invoice | Is this the first invoice from this supplier, 0 = No, 1 = Yes | int | |
finvoice_available | 1 = Finvoice is available for downloading (see below) | int | 1 |
created | Creation date (in Fennoa) of invoice | date | 2023-12-19 09:12:27 |
ApprovalStatus | ”status_id”:10,”status”:”Approved” | ||
”status_id”:0,”status”:”Waiting for approval” | |||
”status_id”:30, ”status”:”Rejected” | |||
Approvers | ”user_id” | ||
”approval_level” | |||
”approval_level id” | |||
”status_id” | |||
”status” |
Responce data: Currency
Name | Description | Data type | Possible values / Examples |
code | Currency code (ISO 4217) | string | EUR |
name | Name of currency | string | Euro |
Response data: PurchaceInvoiceType
Name | Description | Data type | Possible values / Examples |
name | Purchase invoice type name | string | Debit invoice / Credit invoice |
Response data: PurchaseInvoiceRow
Response data: Attachments
Name | Description | Data type | Possible values / Examples |
id | Unique identifier of the attachment | int | 123 |
file | Filename of the attachment | string | file.pdf |
mimetype | MIME type of the attachment | string | application/pdf |
filesize | Size of file | string | 3224105 |
GET /purchases_api/get/approval_queue
Get the list of purchase invoices waiting for (API user’s) approval.
Maximum number of purchase invoices is 20. To fetch further invoices, page number must be given:
Request parameters
Name | Description | Data type | Req’d | Example |
page | Page number (default is 1) | int | NO | 2 |
modifiedAfter= yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss |
Show only purchase invoices/approvals modified after given date and time. Can be used with or without timestamp. Timestamp can be used without seconds. hh:mm |
date time | NO | 2024-10-01T T14:21:22 |
Response code | Description |
200 | Ok, fetching a list was successfull |
400 | Unable to fetch list |
401 | API key / company code is invalid or the user does not have permission to fetch list |
405 | Invalid method, double check you are sending ”GET” and not ”POST” etc |
500 | Server was unable to process the request due to a technical failure |
503 | Service Unavailable |
Name | Description | Data type | Possible values / Examples |
status | Status of the operation | string | OK / ERROR |
data | Array containing approval queue. | array | |
data.count | Total number of purchase invoices in approval queue | int | |
data.page | Fetched page number | int |
Response data: PurchaseInvoice
Name | Description | Data type | Possible values / Examples |
id | Unique identifier of the invoice | int | 100 |
supplier_name | Supplier name | string | |
supplier_business_id | Supplier business id (y-tunnus) | string | 2593931-3 |
supplier_vat_number | Supplier VAT number | string | FI25939313 |
invoice_date | Invoice date | string (date) | 2023-09-01 |
due_date | Due date | string (date) | 2023-09-15 |
entry_date | Entry date | string (date) | |
total_gross | Invoice total sum (incl. VAT) | number | |
total_due | Due sum | number | |
total_gross_hc | Invoice total sum in EUR (incl. VAT) | number | |
currency_rate | Currency conversion rate used | number | |
our_reference | Selle’rs reference | string | |
your_reference | Buyer’s reference | string | |
invoice_number | Invoice number | string | |
order_number | Order number | string | |
purchase_order_id | Purchase order identifier | int | |
bank_account | Bank account | string | |
bank_bic | Bank BIC/SWIFT code | string | NDEAFIHH |
bank_reference | Banking reference | string | |
is_receipt | 0 = Purchase invoice, 1 = Purchase receipt | int | 0 |
is_first_invoice | Is this the first invoice from this supplier, 0 = No, 1 = Yes | int | |
finvoice_available | 1 = Finvoice is available for downloading (see below) | int | 1 |
created | Timestamp of purchase invoice creation | string (datetime) | 2023-01-01 12:00:00 |
modified | Timestamp of purchase invoice’s last modification | string (datetime) |
Response data: Currency
Name | Description | Data type | Possible values / Examples |
code | Currency code (ISO 4217) | string | EUR |
Response data: PurchaseInvoiceType
Name | Description | Data type | Possible values / Examples |
name | Purchase invoice type name | string | Debit invoice / Credit invoice |
Response data: PurchaseInvoiceRow
Response data: PurchaseInvoiceApproval
Name | Description | Data type | Possible values / Examples |
id | Unique identifier of the approval (used in approving/rejecting) | int | 1000 |
approval_level | Level of approval, 1 = Approval (most important), 2 = Verification, 3 = Pre-verification | int | 1 |
status | Status of approval, 0 = Not approved | int | 0 |
Response data: Attachments
Name | Description | Data type | Possible values / Examples |
id | Unique identifier of the attachment | int | 123 |
file | Filename of the attachment | string | file.pdf |
mimetype | MIME type of the attachment | string | application/pdf |
GET /purchases_api/get/finvoice
Fetch the original Finvoice data (if available). Finvoices are available 12 month from inbound date.
Request parameters
Name | Description | Data type | Req’d | Example |
id | Purchase invoice id | int | YES | 1000 |
Response code | Description |
200 | Ok, fetching a finvoice was successfull |
400 | Unable to fetch finvoice |
401 | API key / company code is invalid or the user does not have permission to fetch finvoice |
404 | Purchase invoice not found or finvoice data is not available |
405 | Invalid method, double check you are sending ”GET” and not ”POST” etc |
503 | Service Unavailable |
Name | Description | Data type | Possible values / Examples |
status | Status of the operation | string | OK / ERROR |
data | Array containing approval queue. | array | |
data.encoding | Encoding used (always base64) | string | base64 |
GET /purchases_api/get/attachment
Fetch an attachment of the purchase invoice.
Request parameters
Name | Description | Data type | Req’d | Example |
purchase_invoice_id | Purchase invoice identifier | int | YES | 1000 |
Response code | Description |
200 | Ok, fetching an attachment was successfull |
400 | Unable to fetch attachment |
401 | API key / company code is invalid or the user does not have permission to fetch attachment |
404 | Purchase invoice not found, attachment not found, or given attachment_id does not belong to the given purchase_invoice_id |
405 | Invalid method, double check you are sending ”GET” and not ”POST” etc |
503 | Service Unavailable |
Name | Description | Data type | Possible values / Examples |
status | Status of the operation | string | OK / ERROR |
data | Array containing the data requested | array | |
data.encoding | Encoding used (always base64) | string | base64 |
data.mimetype | MIME type of the attachment | string | application/pdf |
POST /purchases_api/do/approve
Approve a purchase invoice approval.
An approval comment is optional:
comment max 200 characters
Request parameters
Name | Description | Data type | Req’d | Example |
approval-id | Purchase invoice APPROVAL id | int | YES | 1000 |
Response code | Description |
200 | Ok, purchase invoice was approved successfully |
400 | Error approving invoice |
401 | API key / company code is invalid or the user does not have permission |
405 | Invalid method, double check you are sending ”POST” and not ”GET” etc |
503 | Service Unavailable |
Name | Description | Data type | Possible values / Examples |
status | Status of the operation | string | OK / ERROR |
errors | Array of errors (only if status = ERROR) | array |
POST /purchases_api/do/reject
Reject a purchase invoice approval. Comment/reason is mandatory.
Request parameters
Name | Description | Data type | Req’d | Example |
approval-id | Purchase invoice APPROVAL id | int | YES | 1000 |
Response code | Description |
200 | Ok, purchase invoice was rejected successfully |
400 | Error rejecting invoice |
401 | API key / company code is invalid or the user does not have permission |
405 | Invalid method, double check you are sending ”POST” and not ”GET” etc |
503 | Service Unavailable |
Name | Description | Data type | Possible values / Examples |
status | Status of the operation | string | OK / ERROR |
errors | Array of errors (only if status = ERROR) | array |
POST /purchases_api/do/set_tags
Set tags for a purchase invoice. Tags are used to prebook a purchase invoice and to guide the bookkeeper how it should be booked. If the purchase invoice is already booked, tags have no effect.
Request data
Tags are given in JSON array format using single field, ”json”.
Name | Description | Data type | Req’d | Example |
json | Tags data in JSON format (see JSON data fields below) in array | string | YES | [{”percent”:100,”account_code”:4000}] |
JSON data
The table below explains all of the possible fields for a single row.
Name | Description | Data type | Req’d | Example |
percent | Percentage of the purchase invoice (gross) sum being tagged | number | YES* | 100.00 |
sum | Sum being tagged | number | YES* | 59.99 |
account_code | Account code | int | NO | 4000 |
vatcode_id | VAT handling (identifier) for the row. Use GET /accounting_api/get/vatcodes for full list of VAT handling identifiers and their functions. NOTE! Use only vatcodes with type ”purchases”. | int | NO | 1 |
dim_X | Dimension ID, where ”X” is the id of the dimension TYPE and value is id of dimension. For example dim_1: 100 | int | NO | 100 |
description | Description | string | NO | Description text |
* = Either percent OR sum is required. If both are given, sum is dominate.
Example JSON data
”json”: ”[{\”percent\”:100,\”account_code\”:4020,\”vatcode_id\”:1,\”dim_1\”:100, \”description\”:\”selite\” }]”
Response code | Description |
200 | Ok, purchase invoice tags was set succesfully |
400 | Error setting tags |
401 | API key / company code is invalid or the user does not have permission |
405 | Invalid method, double check you are sending ”POST” and not ”GET” etc |
503 | Service Unavailable |
Name | Description | Data type | Possible values / Examples |
status | Status of the operation | string | OK / ERROR |
errors | Array of errors (only if status = ERROR) | array |
GET /purchases_api/get/tags
Get purchace invoice tags.
Request parameters
Name | Description | Data type | Req’d | Example |
invoice_id | Purchase invoice identifier | int | YES | 1000 |
Response data
Name | Description | Data type | Possible values / Examples |
status | Status of the operation | string | OK / ERROR |
errors | Array of errors (only if status = ERROR) | array |
Response data: PuchaseInvoiceTag
Name | Description | Data type | Possible values / Examples |
id | Unique identifier of the invoice | int | 92 |
purchase_invoice_id | Purchase invoice id | string | 291 |
description | Description | string | Selite |
account_code | Account code | string | 4011 |
sum | Sum | string (date) | 2.00000000 |
percent | Percent | string (date) | 40.0000 |
created | Creation date | string (date) | 2022-03-19 |
GET /purchases_api/get/unbooked
Get unbooked or prebooked purchace invoices.
Request parameters
Name | Description | Data type | Req’d | Example |
showPreBooked=1 | Shows prebooked purchase invoices | |||
isApproved= 1 | Shows level 1 approved purchase invoices | |||
isApproved=0 | Shows level 1 purchase invoices waiting approve | |||
modifiedAfter=2024-04-25 12:48:00 | Shows purchase invoices modified after given date | date and time | ||
modifiedBefore=2024-04-25 12:48:00 | Shows puchase invoices modified before given date | date and time | ||
modifiedBefore=2024-04-24 12:45:00&modifiedAfter=2024-04-20 12:45:00 | Shows puchase invoices modified within daterange | date and time |
Only one isApproved parameter at time is allowed.
Response data
Name | Description | Data type | Possible values / Examples |
status | Status of the operation | string | OK / ERROR |
errors | Array of errors (only if status = ERROR) | array |
Response data: PuchaseInvoice
Name | Description | Data type | Possible values / Examples |
id | Unique identifier of the invoice | int | 100 |
supplier_name | Supplier name | string | |
supplier_business_id | Supplier business id (y-tunnus) | 2593931-3 | |
invoice_date | Invoice date | string (date) | 2019-09-01 |
due_date | Due date | string (date) | 2019-09-15 |
entry_date | Entry date | string (date) | |
total_gross | Invoice total sum (incl. VAT) | number | |
total_due | Due sum | number | |
total_gross_hc | Invoice total sum in EUR (incl. VAT) | number | |
total_net | number | ||
total_net_hc | number | ||
currency_rate | Currency conversion rate used | number | |
our_reference | Seller’s reference | string | |
your_reference | Buyer’s reference | string | |
invoice_number | Invoice number | string | |
order_number | Order number | string | |
purchase_order_id | Purchase order identifier | string | |
bank_account | Bank account | string | |
bank_bic | Bank BIC/SWIFT code | string | NDEAFIHH |
bank_message | string | ||
bank_reference | Banking reference | string | |
terms_of_payment | Terms of payment | string | |
is_receipt | 0 = Purchase invoice, 1 = Purchase receipt | int | 0 |
is_first_invoice | Is this the first invoice from this supplier, 0 = No, 1 = Yes | int | |
created | Created | string (date) |
POST /purchases_api/add
Create a new purchace invoice using FORM DATA, remember also to post the PDF-image for each invoice using POST /api/purchases_api/do/upload_attachment.
Name | Description | Data type | Req’d | Example |
purchase_invoice_type_id | (default)Invoice type 1= invoice, 2=credit invoice | Yes | ||
purchase_supplier_id | Supplier id. If empty creates new supplier. Non-Eu suppiers can not be created. Create in Fennoa before POST. |
string | Yes/No | |
supplier_name | Supplier name | string | Yes | |
supplier_vat_number | Supplier VAT number | string | ||
supplier_business_id | Supplier business id (y-tunnus) | string | ||
supplier_country | Supplier country code, ISO 3166 alpha-2. Default (empty)= FI |
string | FI | |
invoice_number | Invoice number | string | ||
credited_invoice_no | Credited invoice number, if credit invoice | string | ||
invoice_date | Invoice date (YYYY-MM-DD) | string(date) | Yes | |
due_date | Due date (YYYY-MM-DD) | string(date) | Yes | |
discount_date1 | Discount date (YYYY-MM-DD) | string(date) | ||
discount_percent1 | Discount percent | number | ||
discount_sum1 | Sum of discount | number | ||
entry_date | Entry date (YYYY-MM-DD) | string(date) | ||
bank_account | Bank account | string | Yes | |
bank_bic | Bank BIC/SWIFT code | string | Yes | |
bank_reference | Banking reference | string | *Yes/No | |
bank_message | Banking message | string | *Yes/No | |
total_net | Total net, 2 decimals max | number | 100.00 | |
total_gross | Total gross, 2 decimals max | number | Yes | 124.00 |
currency | Currency, ISO 4217, Default (empty) =EUR | string | EUR | |
order_number | Order number | string | ||
your_reference | Your reference (customer´s) | string | ||
our_reference | Our reference (supplier´s) | string | ||
terms_of_payment | Terms of payment | string | ||
payable_account_code | Payable account code | number | 2780 |
*Bank reference OR bank message is req´d.
Response code | Description |
200 | Ok, purchase invoice created succesfully |
400 | Error |
401 | API key / company code is invalid or the user does not have permission |
405 | Invalid method, double check you are sending ”POST” and not ”GET” etc |
503 | Service Unavailable |
Name | Description | Data type | Possible values / Examples |
status | Status of the operation | string | OK / ERROR |
errors | Array of errors (only if status = ERROR) | array |
Response data: PuchaseInvoice
Name | Description | Data type | Possible values / Examples |
id | Unique identifier of the invoice id | int | |
purchase_supplier_id | If POST have no purchase_supplier_id, new suplier created and id in response. | int |
POST /purchases_api/do/upload_attachment
Post PDF-attachment to purchase invoice.
/purchases_api/do/upload_attachment/<invoice id>
Name | Description | Data type | Req’d | Example |
id | Unique identifier of the invoice id | int | Yes |
Form data
Content type must be multipart/form-data which is used to send binary data to the server. Form-data contains one field ”file” that is the actual file upload.
Name | Description | Data type | Req’d | Example |
file | File do upload | file | Yes |
Response code | Description |
200 | Ok, File stored. |
400 | Error |
401 | API key / company code is invalid or the user does not have permission |
405 | Invalid method, double check you are sending ”POST” and not ”GET” etc |
503 | Service Unavailable |
Name | Description | Data type | Possible values / Examples |
status | Status of the operation | string | OK / ERROR |
errors | Array of errors (only if status = ERROR) | array |
GET /purchases_api/get/suppliers
Get suppliers.
Name | Description | Data type | Req’d | Example |
page | Page number (default is 1) | int | ||
createdAfter | Created after | date | 2019-06-31 | |
createdBefore | Created before | date | 2019-06-31 | |
modifiedAfter | Modified before | date | 2019-06-31 | |
modifiedBefore | Modified after | date | 2019-06-31 |
Response data
Name | Description | Data type | Possible values / Examples |
status | Status of the operation | string | OK / ERROR |
errors | Array of errors (only if status = ERROR) | array |
Response data: PuchaseSupplier
Name | Description | Data type | Possible values / Examples |
id | Unique identifier of the supplier | int | 100 |
name | Name | string | |
name2 | Name 2 | string | |
address | Street address | string | |
postalcode | Postal code | string | |
city | City | string | |
country_id | Fennoa country id | int | |
business_id | Business id | string | |
vat_number | VAT-number | string | |
bank_account | IBAN | string | |
bank_bic | BIC | string | |
bank_account_2 | IBAN | string | |
bank_bic_2 | BIC | string | |
bank_account_3 | IBAN | string | |
bank_bic_3 | BIC | string | |
bank_account_4 | IBAN | string | |
bank_bic_4 | BIC | string | |
bank_clearing_code | Clearing code | string | |
bank_name | Bank´s name | string | |
bank_name2 | Name 2 | string | |
bank_address | Address | string | |
bank_postalcode | Postal code | string | |
bank_city | City | string | |
bank_country_id | Fennoa country id | int | |
default_account_code | Default account code | string | |
default_currency_id | Default Fennoa currency id | int | |
default_payment_terms_id | Default Fennoa payment terms id | int | |
created | Created date | string (date) | 2019-12-30 |
modified | Modified date | string (date) | 2019-12-31 |
POST /purchases_api/do/add_payment
Create a payment to purchace invoice using JSON. Needs accountant rights.
Name | Description | Req’d | Example |
purchase_invoice_id | Purchace invoice id | YES | 123 |
sum | Sum of payment | YES | 100.00 |
payment_date | Payment date (YYYY-MM-DD) | YES | 2023-04-26 |
description | Description | Cash payment | |
account_code | Account code (if no account code, default 199999) | 1234 |