API: Dimensions

Create dimensions and dimension types to enable your custom management accounting reporting.


GET /dimension_api/

Fetch a list of all dimensions

Request parameters

Request can be filtered using query parameters as described below.

For example:

  • Fetch only dimension with code 100:
    • /dimension_api?code=100
  • Fetch all dimensions of type 2
    • /dimension_api?dimension_type_id=2
  • Fetch all active dimensions of type 3
    • /dimension_api?dimension_type_id=3&is_active=1
Name Description Data type Req’d Example
code Code of the dimension string   100
dimension_type_id Unique identifier of the dimension type int   2


Response code Description
200 Ok, fetching a dimension was successfull
404 Unable to add a dimension. Further information can be found from the errors array in response JSON
405 Invalid method, double check you are sending ”GET” and not ”POST” etc
503 Service Unavailable
Name Description Data type Possible values / Examples
status Status of the operation string OK / ERROR
id Unique identifier of the dimension int 1
code Code of the dimension string ABC
name_fi Dimension name in finnish string Projekti ABC
name_en Dimension name in english string Project ABC
name_sv Dimension name in swedish string Projekt ABC
description Description of the dimension string  
is_active Dimension is visible in the UI int 0 = Not active, 1 = Active
active_after Dimension is active after this date string (date)  
id Unique identifier of the dimension type int 1
name_fi Dimension type name in finnish string Projekti
name_en Dimension type name in english string Project
name_sv Dimension type name in swedish string Projekt

GET /dimension_api/<id>

Fetch one dimension


  • /dimension_api/<id>
  • /dimension_api/2

Request parameters

Name Description Data type Req’d Example
id Unique identifier of the dimension int YES 2


Response code Description
200 Ok, fetching a dimension was successfull
404 Unable to add a dimension. Further information can be found from the errors array in response JSON
405 Invalid method, double check you are sending ”GET” and not ”POST” etc
503 Service Unavailable
Name Description Data type Possible values / Examples
status Status of the operation string OK / ERROR
id Unique identifier of the dimension int 1
code Code of the dimension string ABC
name_fi Dimension name in finnish string Projekti ABC
name_en Dimension name in english string Project ABC
name_sv Dimension name in swedish string Projekt ABC
description Description of the dimension string  
is_active Dimension type is visible in the UI int 0 = Not active, 1 = Active
active_after Dimension is active after this date string (date)  


POST /dimension_api/add

Create a new or edit existing dimension using FORM DATA.

Request parameters

Name Description Data type Req’d Example
id Unique identifier of the dimension. If id is given, existing dimension will be updated. int   1
dimension_type_id Unique identifier of the dimension type int YES 1
code Short code of the dimension string YES ABC
name_fi Dimension name in finnish string YES Projekti ABC
name_en Dimension name in english string   Project ABC
name_sv Dimension name in swedish string   Projekt ABC
description Description of the dimension string    
is_active Dimension is visible in the UI int   0 = Not active, 1 = Active
active_after Dimension is active after this date string (date)   2018-01-01


Response code Description
200 Ok, adding a dimension was successfull
400 Unable to add a dimension. Further information can be found from the errors array in response JSON
401 API key / company code is invalid or the user does not have permission to add statements
405 Invalid method, double check you are sending ”POST” and not ”GET” etc
503 Service Unavailable
Name Description Data type Possible values / Examples
status Status of the operation string OK / ERROR
id If adding a dimension was successfull, id contains unique identifier for the newly created dimension int 1234


POST /dimension_api/add/type

Create a new dimension type using FORM DATA.

Request parameters

Name Description Data type Req’d Example
name_fi Dimension type name in finnish string YES Projekti
name_en Dimension type name in english string   Project
name_sv Dimension type name in swedish string   Projekt
description Description of the dimension type string    


Response code Description
200 Ok, adding a dimension type was successfull
400 Unable to add a dimension type. Further information can be found from the errors array in response JSON
401 API key / company code is invalid or the user does not have permission to add statements
405 Invalid method, double check you are sending ”POST” and not ”GET” etc
503 Service Unavailable
Name Description Data type Possible values / Examples
status Status of the operation string OK / ERROR
id If adding a dimension type was successfull, id contains unique identifier for the newly created dimension type int 1


GET /dimension_api/get/types

Fetch a list of dimension types

Request parameters

Name Description Data type Req’d Example
dimension_type_id Optional, provide a unique identifier of a dimension type to return only one dimension type int YES Projekti

Example queries:

  • Fetch all dimension types
    • /dimension_api/get/types
  • Fetch only one dimension type (id: 2)
    • /dimension_api/get/types/2


Response code Description
200 Ok, fetching a dimension type listing was succesfull
401 API key / company code is invalid or the user does not have permission to add statements
405 Invalid method, double check you are sending ”GET” and not ”POST” etc
503 Service Unavailable
Name Description Data type Possible values / Examples
status Status of the operation string OK / ERROR
id Unique identifier of the dimension type int 1
name_fi Dimension type name in finnish string Projekti
name_en Dimension type name in english string Project
name_sv Dimension type name in swedish string Projekt
description Description of the dimension type string