API for creating, updating and fetching customers.
- POST /customer_api/add: Create new customer using FORM DATA
- PUT /customer_api/customer_no: Update customer using JSON
- GET /customer_api/get/customer_no/customer_no: Fetch one customer
- GET /customer_api/id: Fetch one customer
- GET /customer_api/: Fetch all customers
POST /customer_api/add
Create a new customer using FORM DATA.
Request parameters
Name | Description | Data type | Req’d | Example |
customer_no | Customer number | string | 1234 If empty Fennoa generates it | |
name | Name of the customer | string | YES | Example customer |
name2 | Name2 of the customer | string | Example 2 customer | |
address | Address of the customer | string | YES | Busy street 12 |
postalcode | Postal code of the customer | string | YES | 00120 |
city | City of the customer | string | YES | Helsinki |
country_id | Country of the customer as ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 fromat | string | YES | FI |
description | Description of the customer | string | This is a great customer | |
Email of the customer | string (email) | hello@example.com | ||
phone | Phone number of the customer | string | 040123456789 | |
fax | Fax number of the customer | string | +1-212-9876543 | |
website | Website of the customer | string | www.example.com | |
business_id | Business id of the customer | string | 1234567-8 | |
vat_number | VAT number of the customer | string | FI12345678 | |
identity_number | Consumer customer´s ID | stiring | 010180-123T | |
account_type_id | Type of account | int | 1=company, 2= consumer | |
contact_person | Contact person | string | John Doe | |
einvoice_address | Einvoice address (or email address if sales_invoice_delivery_method is email) | string | 00371234567 or customer@company.com |
einvoice_operator_id | Einvoice operator ID or Fennoa´s internal ID | string | HELSFIHH * | |
sales_invoice_delivery_method | Sales invoice delivery method | string | email=email finvoice=eInvoice postal=postal consumerfinvoice= consumer eInvoice consumerdirect= consumer eInvoice, direct manual= manual delivery |
customer_group_ids[] | Customer group id. Could be multiple rows. | int | 1 | |
locale_id | Language of the customer and invoice, use ID or ISO 639-1 language code** | 1= FI, 2= EN, 4= SV | ||
locale_code | Language of the customer and invoice, ISO 639-1 language code** | FI, EN, SV | ||
** locale_id is dominate if both are used |
* https://tieke.fi/palvelut/liiketoimintapalvelut/verkkolaskuosoitteisto/valittajatunnukset/
Response code | Description |
200 | Ok, adding a customer was successfull |
400 | Unable to add a customer. Further information can be found from the errors array in response JSON |
401 | API key / company code is invalid or the user does not have permission to add customers |
405 | Invalid method, double check you are sending ”POST” and not ”GET” etc |
503 | Service Unavailable |
PUT /customer_api/{customer_no}
Update customer using JSON. Send only updatable info.
Name | Description | Data type | Req’d | Example |
name | Name of the customer | string | Example customer | |
address | Address of the customer | string | Busy street 12 | |
postalcode | Postal code of the customer | string | 00120 | |
city | City of the customer | string | Helsinki | |
country_id | Country of the customer as ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 fromat | string | FI | |
name2 | Name2 of the customer | string | Example 2 customer | |
description | Description of the customer | string | This is a great customer | |
Email of the customer | string (email) | hello@example.com | ||
phone | Phone number of the customer | string | 040123456789 | |
fax | Fax number of the customer | string | +1-212-9876543 | |
website | Website of the customer | string | www.example.com | |
business_id | Business id of the customer | string | 1234567-8 | |
vat_number | VAT number of the customer | string | FI12345678 | |
sales_invoice_delivery_method | Sales invoice delivery method | string | email=email finvoice=eInvoice postal= postal consumerfinvoice= consumer eInvoice consumerdirect= consumer eInvoice, direct manual= manual |
einvoice_address | Customer e-invoice address or email address for invoicing | string | ||
einvoice_operator_id | e-invoice operator address | string | OKOYFIHH | |
customer_group_ids | Customer group id. You can add multiple customer group | [1,2] | ||
locale_id | Language of the customer and invoice, use ID or ISO 639-1 language code** | 1= FI, 2= EN, 4= SV | ||
locale_code | Language of the customer and invoice, ISO 639-1 language code** | FI, EN,SV | ||
** locale_id is dominate if both are used |
GET /customer_api/{id}
Fetch one customer. See the response below.
- /customer_api/2
Name | Description | Data type | Req’d | Example |
id | Unique identifier of the customer | int | YES | 2 |
GET /customer_api/get/customer_no/{customer_no}
Fetch one customer. See the response below.
- /customer_api/get/customer_no/F123
GET /customer_api/
Fetch all customers. Returns array of customers on format shown below.
- /customer_api/
Possible query parameters:
- modifiedAfter, shows customers that is modified after given date
- Example: /customer_api/?modifiedAfter=2020-01-01
Response code | Description |
200 | Ok, fetching a customer was successfull |
401 | API key / company code is invalid or the user does not have permission to get customers |
404 | Customer not found |
405 | Invalid method, double check you are sending ”GET” and not ”POST” etc |
503 | Service Unavailable |
Response format of one customer
Name | Description | Data type | Possible values / Examples |
id | ID of the customer | int | 2 |
name | Name of the customer | string | My Customer |
name2 | Name 2 of the customer | string | My Customer |
contact_person | Contact person of the customer | string | John Doe |
customer_no | Customer number | string | F100 |
owner_user_id | ID of the fennoa user that created this customer | int | 4 |
address | Address of the customer | string | Busy street 2 |
postalcode | Postal code of the customer | string | 00120 |
city | City of the customer | string | Helsinki |
country_id | Country of the customer | string | FI |
Email of the customer | string (email) | hello@example.com | |
fax | Fax number of the customer | string | +1-212-9876543 |
website | Website of the customer | string | www.example.com |
business_id | Business id of the customer | string | 1234567-8 |
vat_number | VAT number of the customer | string | FI12345678 |
identity_number | Identity number of the consumer customer | string | 010190-1234 |
einvoice_address | Einvoice address of the customer | string | 000123456789 |
einvoice_operator_id | Einvoice operator id of the customer | string | 1 |
einvoice_unit_number | Einvoice unit number of the customer | int | 1 |
terms_of_payment | Default payment term id of the customer | int | 1 |
auxliary_name_id | Auxilarity name id of the customer | int | 1 |
locale_id | Language of invoice | int | 1=finnish, 2=english, 4=swedish |
locale_code | Language of invoice | FI, EN, SV | |
sales_pricelist_id | Default pricelist of the customer | int | 1 |
description | Description of the customer | string | This is a great customer |
sales_factoring_partner_id | Sales factoring parter id of the customer | int | |
sales_invoice_taxclass_id | Default taxclass id of the customer | int | 1= domestic sales (S) default 2= EU-sales services (K) 3= EU-sales goods (k) 4= Construction services (AE) 5= Scap metal sales (AE) 6= Foreign sales, outside of EU (G) 7= Domestic sales, VAT-free (Z) 8= Triangulation (K) |
sales_invoice_incl_vat | The customers invoice rows includes vat 0/1 | int | 0 |
auto_reminder_override | Reminder settings of the customer 0/1 | int | 0 |
auto_reminder_setting | Reminder setting to send automatically or not 0/1 | int | 0 |
auto_reminder_count | Amount of reminders send | int | 1 |
auto_reminder_interval | Interval of days between reminders | int | 12 |
auto_reminder_last_step | Setting to decide what to do with the last reminder | int | 2 |
our_reference | Our reference | string | 13504687 |
your_reference | Your reference | string | 13504687 |
shipping_name | Shipping name | string | Example customer |
shipping_name2 | Shipping 2 name | string | Example 2 customer |
shipping_address | Shipping address | string | Busy street 2 |
shipping_postalcode | Shipping postalcode | string | 00120 |
shipping_city | Shipping city | string | Helsinki |
shipping_country_id | Shipping country id | int | 1 |
currency_id | Currency id | int | 1 |
sales_is_refused | Sales is refused to this cusomer | int | 0 |
modified | Last time modified | string (date) | 2020-07-22 13:18:15 |
title | Title of the customer | string | F0015 – Example customer |
sales_invoice_delivery_method | Sales invoice delivery method | string | email, finvoice, postal, consumerfinvoice, consumerdirect, manual |